Some may be wondering why I would decide to put a blog up. Well, why not! I registered this domain through my brother around 2003. At the time the website was already about 2 years old, if not older! I was hosting it on our Internet Provider’s servers. It was a cute little basic site. In fact, it’s possible I still have old files from it on a backup disc somewhere. I’ll have to break them out sometime! Once I started combining my website coding knowledge and my love of genealogy, things really started to click. I may not have been extremely active all through the years, but I’ve always had something up.
Back when I first started the domain, I started experimenting with ways to communicate about what I was finding. Genealogy is such an exciting subject when you find the right audience. Until that time the only people I would talk about it with was my wonderful, understanding, but not as interested family. Sure they liked hearing about it, but they didn’t want to talk about it everyday. Party poopers! So I put up a message board on my original domain. Needless to say, at the time it was too much too soon! So I continued making over the site, learning about coding and different things. I never really found that outlet I enjoyed.
This medium will give me the outlet I need, but not overwhelm. I can post about a find, or just about interesting events I find in history. It’s what I think will work for me best. Too bad it took me 7 years to try it out!
What will you post here?
I will post my research discoveries (always fun to share!). I will share many of the pictures I have scanned (Trust me, I’ll never run out of pictures). Most of all, I really want to share my successes and disappointments with people who feel my pain and my triumphs. We genealogists have to stick together!