Preparation is Key

It’s been a rough few days here in Maryland. Well, it’s been a rough few days for me in Maryland would be the more accurate statement. Sunday wasn’t good for me at all. It probably had something to do with the time change. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. To start off my no good day, I broke my Kindle. Insert gasps here. I love my Kindle. It’s what I use at night to fall asleep. I’m able to turn the computers and TV off and just kind of get my mind to slow down. My mind is never idle, but the Kindle helps me to slow it down enough to sleep. Well, the problem is it was under my covers somewhere when I woke up Sunday morning and I heard a definitive crack. On the outside it looks fine, well if this is what you call fine.

Yeah, that’s not going to work. So I’m going to have to call Amazon and see if they can fix it for me. Hopefully they can! It does have a limited one year warranty so we’ll see. Then as if I wasn’t genius enough, I tripped going up some stairs. I tell ya, when it rains it pours. So yesterday I took a mental health day away from the computer. It was wonderful, but now I feel like I don’t have enough time in the world to catch up.

I did want to talk today about my first trip to a repository though! It was many years ago now though, but I want to add to the consensus that you need to make an effort to get out to your local resources for some of your research. Mine is a little tough (As I’m sure many can relate to), almost all my research has to be done in other states. States that are at least 8 hours away by my count. The only smidge of my family that I can do some local research on is the Taylor family. I was gobsmacked when I was looking through the Taylor tree my grandma gave me, and I saw that the first Taylors we knew of were from Somerset County, Maryland!

There is still a tiny little problem though. It’s called the Chesapeake Bay. In order to go to the area the Taylors were from, I have to go all the way up to Annapolis, cross the Bay Bridge (EEK! I hate that bridge), and then go back down the other side of Maryland. Not impossible, but still quite a trip to make in one day.

My first visit to the Edward H Nabb Research Center was awesome! The only problem was I wasn’t quite prepared for what I was getting. I don’t even think I had a copy of my tree with me. In fact, this was before I even had a laptop I think. That’s quite a time, so between 2001 and 2005? I can’t be sure. The staff was very helpful anyway. The only problem they said was, “Searching for Taylors in this area is like searching for John Smith in Virginia.” Oh dear. Boy were they right. The first trip was an eye opener for me.

There are even student research papers on the Taylor family! I should mention that the Nabb Research Center is located on the campus of Salisbury University. So much of the staff are students/employees from the college.

This is the microfilm that I think I looked at on my first visit. It was literally littered with Taylors. I want to go back again and really go through. I did go back once with laptop in hand but I ended up getting ill all of a sudden and had to trek the 3-4 hours home. Luckily my Mom and sister were with me! Though my sister says she’s never driving me or my Mom over any of those big bridges again. To say we had anxiety attacks would be an understatement.

My point is, this local resource has entire sections of their library dedicated to the early settlers of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It just so happens, my family is one of these early settlers. In addition to the records though, they have people that are familiar with these families. Even though they aren’t related to these families, they’ve got the experience of being there for a lot of the research that goes on in the center. For example, the man who helped me didn’t research Taylors himself, but in doing his own research he knew to tell me where my Taylors were and how prominent they were. He was able to guide me very well for a girl who showed up without any idea of what she was doing. The second trip would have been much better if I hadn’t gotten sick and had to leave almost as soon as we got there. I’m pretty sure I had a laptop with me that time and a game plan.

So there’s my two cents on local repositories. Also, is there anyone who’d like to volunteer to drive a 27 year old and her mother across a bridge when they’re shrieking in the backseat? No takers? Wait, I see a Library of Congress number. There are no bridges to get to the Library of Congress! The student research paper doesn’t have one though, so I guess it’s the bridge for us!

Fearless Females: Heirlooms

March 6 — Describe an heirloom you may have inherited from a female ancestor (wedding ring or other jewelry, china, clothing, etc.) If you don’t have any, then write about a specific object you remember from your mother or grandmother, or aunt (a scarf, a hat, cooking utensil, furniture, etc.)

I took a few days off, and since I don’t have a recipe to share for March 7th, I decided to use the March 6th prompt. The heirloom that comes to my mind is one I’ve talked about before.

“The tree”. The one that started it all. This is what my Grandma brought with her on that fateful visit when I was in the eighth grade. The blue is the family tree and the other binder is the picture companion to the family tree.

The first page in the binder shows the numbers 3-2 written above the couple.

Then you line that up with the 3-2 in the family tree. Now there is a bit of confusion because the Webb and Taylor sections both have 3-2s. I don’t know how that happened but the Webb line fizzles out very quickly in the tree. It’s very obvious this tree was done from the Taylor perspective. I don’t know if it’s legible from the picture but Mollie Jane Webb married George Thomas Taylor. So that’s where the lines connect. Not much is known beyond Mollie’s generation on the Webb side. After consulting the tree, the couple in the first picture is Marshall Howard Taylor and his wife Lula Applegate. I faintly remember Grandma telling me that this picture might have been from their wedding day.

The picture book goes all the way through the descendants. My grandmother gathered pictures of as many Taylors as possible. Here’s the page dedicated to my Mom and her kids. That’s me in the red shirt there at the bottom. My family is used to me posting their pictures all over creation. For the sake of my other family members privacy, I won’t show you the others.

What’s also great is there are little mementos among the pages. There are articles of newspapers, obituaries, birth announcements.

I love both books. I’m so happy that they eventually found their way to me. I like to take them out and look through the pictures every once and awhile. It’s fun to match the names and faces.


I realized again today, that I’ve been horrible about giving equal blog time to both sides of my family tree. It seems I am writing more about my father’s New Jersey roots and am completely ignoring my Mom’s side! I’m rectifying that right now though!

Today I posted some old pictures of my Mom’s family on my Facebook. That side of my family is just getting into the computer world, so that was the easiest way to share the photos. It was fun to discuss with my Mom and Aunt who the babies in the photos were. In fact, they’re all still posting about the pictures and their memories of them. It’s definitely a great way to share between family members that you usually don’t get to see.

While I was going through the original Taylor-Webb tree, I got a little nostalgic about my Grandma. I started to go through the book of photographs she put together and the tree, matching photos with names in the book. She actually went through and labeled people with their number from the tree, so it was as simple as having the tree and the photos side by side.

Front page from Taylor-Webb Family Tree

When I was closing the tree, I took another look at the front page of the tree. I remember when my grandma was telling me about the tree. She showed me where she was, she explained to me the whole thing and then she told me about how the Taylors came from England in 1680. Just like the page says. Of course, I was only in the eighth grade at the time, and to me, this tree was all the proof I needed! Now I know different, but it still gives me warm, fuzzy feelings of Grandma to look at this tree.

For the first time though, I noticed something. In my young mind, I always assumed this tree was the complete work of my grandmother. Of course, a longer look and it was obvious that someone else made the tree because their name was all over it. Still, I don’t know who I thought might have done the pedigree you see above. I guess I always assumed it was the same person who did the rest of the tree.

Today a light bulb went off. I noticed that right next to Ol’ Kirby Taylor is ‘Me’. I never noticed that ‘Me’ before! Then I quickly scanned through the book to remember who came after Kirby. I thought at first it was Irene Taylor, because I thought that was her generation. Then I noticed Irene on the generation below. Unfortunately the Taylor-Webb tree only starts the Taylor line with George Thomas Taylor and Mollie Jane Webb’s children. So I didn’t have an instant answer. I had to wait until I could get to my computer.

Turns out ‘Me’ is Maude Taylor-Mefford. I’m unsure of when Maude died, so I don’t know if she wrote this out for someone, whether it be my Grandma or the person who did the tree originally. I do know her husband died in 1948 and Maude was still living when he died[1. Kentucky Death Record, Bracken County KY, Certificate: 9206]. When I get to Maude in my family tree rehab, I’ll pay extra attention to her now, knowing that she might have been the knowledgeable one in the family on this stuff.

I’ll probably never know the sequence of events that led to the family tree that I was given. It’s kind of cool to think of Maude sitting down and sketching out that tree for her family though! I’ve personally found records to at least Bartholomew. He’s the Revolutionary War veteran. Kentucky records are very difficult to find for that far back. Whether it be courthouse disasters or just plain rural conditions that didn’t promote official records. There are parish records in Somerset County, Maryland though, I’ve seen them! I just have to go back and record the source information and get a second go through. I’m pretty positive there is more there than I first thought.

So you see, it’s always a great idea to constantly revisit your sources! Just a second look could bring new information!

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Birth Order

Randy Seaver puts up a fun genealogy mission every Saturday night at his blog, Genea-Musings. Here is this week’s challenge!

1)  Pick one of your ancestral lines – any one – patrilineal, matrilineal, zigzag, from a famous ancestor, etc.  Pick a long one if you can.

2)  Tell us which position in the birth order that your ancestor was in each generation.  For example “third child, first son.”  Also list how many children were born to these parents.

3)  Share your Birth Order work with us on your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, in a comment on Facebook, etc.

I chose my Taylor line because it’s the one that goes back the farthest. These are coming straight from the tree my Grandma gave me in eighth grade so I haven’t gotten solid proof on the farther back generations yet.

1. Kathleen Moore (1983- ) third child, second daughter of William and Georgia (Mays) Moore (1 son, 2 daughters)
2. Georgia Mays (1959- ) sixth child, fourth daughter of Stanley and Emogene (Taylor) Mays (5 daughters, 2 sons)
3. Emogene Taylor (1929-2005) sixth child, second daughter of Marshall and Lula (Applegate) Taylor (5 sons, 3 daughters)
4. Marshall Taylor (1892-1958) second child, first son of George and Mollie (Webb) Taylor (4 daughters, 7 sons)
5. George Taylor (1862-1913) fourth child, second son of Marshall and Cecilia (Heaverin) Taylor (6 sons, 5 daughters)
6. Marshall Taylor (1823-1899) first child, first son of William and Nancy (Matthews) Taylor (3 sons, 2 daughters)
7. William Taylor (1797-1849) fourth child, fourth son of Bartholomew and Leah (Staton) Taylor (5 sons)
8. Bartholomew Taylor (1756-1847) first child, first son of Abraham and Mary (Walker) Taylor (4 sons, 5 daughters)
9. Abraham Taylor (1726-1792) second child, second son of William and Sarah (Cooper) Taylor (3 sons, 3 daughters)
10. William Taylor (?-1773?) (4 sons, 2 daughters)
11. John Taylor (?-1748?)

Bartholomew is really the farthest I’ve researched back. He’s the Revolutionary War veteran. What I’ve been trying to do is get the birth, marriage, and death records for these main ancestors before I move on. That hasn’t exactly happened the way I wanted. I had the best of intentions, really I did! William and John, numbers 10 and 11 respectively, didn’t get birth order numbers so I guess they don’t count. I found their siblings names in wills of the parents so I don’t have birthdates for the siblings, therefore I can’t determine where everyone is in the birth order yet.

Thanks Randy for yet another fun little challenge!

Treasure Chest Thursday: The Original

The last week, I’ve been slowly entering my mother’s side of the family into my new family file. It’s a little slower going because there are more of them than Dad’s side. I also had a master list of birthdays I made at the family reunion last year for Dad’s side. So I was able to put them in quickly and use the source I titled, “2009 Family Reunion Master List”. I’m new to citing Personal Family sources, so I was a bit baffled at first on how to really cite it. Then I realized I was once again over-analyzing something. So I gave the title as stated above, I’m listed as the other, and in the description I wrote that I compiled the list by going around to everyone at the family reunion and getting their birth dates and marriage dates where needed. It turned out to be a big project for me that year!

On my Mom’s side I now have the original copy of the Family Tree. This is the one my Grandma brought when I was in the eighth grade. I ended up photocopying it at my Mom’s work, and I later reproduced it in Excel and re-printed it. In that time though, I think I might have tried to “fix” it. I think things got a little turned around. I’ve decided to no longer use my photocopy version. I am lucky that my Aunt sent Grandma’s copy to Maryland for me.

Taylor-Webb Family Tree. This has been missing the letters for as long as I can remember!

This has the most complete list I’ve ever seen of the current Taylor family. I don’t communicate much with this side of the family so I don’t know if I would ever had completed this much of it without Grandma’s tree.

Taylor-Webb Family Tree. Page 2A.

It’s a great resource for quite a few generations  back. If you can see, Reuben Vincent Webb is listed as Family Member 2-1 in this tree. This tree counts forward from the earliest known Webb relative. So Reuben is actually my 2nd Great Grand Uncle. It’s his sister Mollie Jane Webb who marries into the Taylor family. My index number in this tree is listed as 6-54. Just to show you how it counts forward in time.

Taylor-Webb Family Tree

What my photocopy version was missing is what you see above. I was in 8th grade around 1997. My Grandmother didn’t pass away until January 2005. So in that time, not only had I been making changes to the family tree, so had my Grandmother! I found little handwritten notes all over the tree. Notes that weren’t there in 1997 when we photocopied it.

Taylor-Webb Family Tree. Living person information blurred for privacy.

Not only did I find notes in my Grandma’s handwriting, there were notes from another person too! This could have been from my Aunt. It could have been from someone who was just visiting and they were discussing the tree. It doesn’t really matter, what I do know is that even though this tree has some errors in it, it’s a wealth of information in other ways.

Treasure Chest Thursday is a daily blogging topic from GeneaBloggers.

Things I’ve Learned

I am halfway through a 7 day free trial with I’m trying to make the most of the collections that aren’t free since I can’t afford right now to have a second subscription website. These are the things I’ve learned so far:

City Directories aka The reason I get up early every morning this week.

  • William Wallace Love was not still living in Newark at the time of his wife’s death in 1890. They had to have moved to Roseland at the time.
  • I have listings for William W Love, grocer, for 1875 through 1884.
  • Some years there is a listing for Love Bros grocery. There was never an ad, but that would have been interesting!
  • William H Moore was not listed in Brooklyn in 1865. His daughter is born in New York in 1865, so they must have lived in another borough before their move to Chicago.
  • William H Moore has always been very consistent with the use of his middle initial. This is made funnier because I know how insistent my Dad is on using his. They wouldn’t have to do that if they’d stop naming their boys William! 🙂
  • William H Moore lived at 56 Foster for the majority of his time in Chicago, which was from 1866 to 1870.
  • I couldn’t find a listing for him in 1871 Chicago. This could be why Cook County couldn’t find a birth record for Robert James Moore in 1871. Maybe they moved out of the city? I’m going to try lining up his location with the Chicago fire and see if he would have been effected, though now I see he might have already left Chicago.
William H Moore, 1869. Chicago.

Military Records

  • I was able to find out what happened to Marguerite Wambough’s husband, Lt. Frank A Greene. I found a newspaper article on him and talk about it in this post.
  • I was able to get a much clearer copy of Bartholomew Taylor’s Revolutionary War Pension Request, which I transcribed here.
1st Lt Arnold Mullins account of Lt Frank A Greene being shot down
Bartholomew Taylor Rev War Pension Request

Google Searching

Since I spent so much time transcribing and adding Bartholomew Taylor things into my family file, I’ve decided to go ahead and research him for fun. One of the things I do randomly when I research is I plug the ancestors name into Google and see what comes up. It’s pretty interesting to see what comes up.

I make sure to put the name in quotes. That just helps to cut out a lot of the wrong things. I added Maryland for good measure, since the Taylors are most often associated with Maryland.

Once the search is done, I check out the main results but then I go into my favorite part of Google searches… Books! This will search through a database of books that Google has online. These are all with the cooperation of the publishers so no need to feel like you’re sneaking something.

This is what was in the Marylanders to Kentucky book. I just wanted to show you what type of things are in here. That is definitely my Bartholomew Taylor, and you can see that it gives a whole bunch of Reference numbers. You can line those up with the sources. I actually found this exact book in my local library a few months back. So I’ve already been through it. 🙂 I have photocopies around here somewhere, including what all those numbers mean. I’m pretty sure it’s easy to figure out though, like KPR:1835 is the 1835 Kentucky Pension Roll. I think all the things listed as reference to him have to do with the Revolutionary War, which I believe all those sources were created from his pension request.

The next result was The Wright Ancestry. The Wright family married into the Taylors a few times so I wasn’t surprised that Bartholomew acted as a witness to this Wright family member’s will.

Looking further into the will, you can see that once again a Wright has married a Taylor. Immediately I set about seeing if I have these particular Wright/Taylor ancestors in my file already.

It turns out that the “Sary Wright” is actually the wife of Bartholomew’s first cousin. My Maryland ancestors are a mess in my file though, so I don’t want to leap before I check everything out. Everything here would have come from those descendant reports from my Grandma.  So we’ll see how this turns out!

Bartholomew Taylor: Record Transcription

State of Kentucky Bracken County St?

On the 19th day of May in the year 1834 personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the County Court in and for the County of Bracken in the State of Kentucky.

Bartholomew Taylor resident of the county and the state aforesaid aged seventy nine years on the 17th day of February last past who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States a volunteer private militiaman in the latter part of the Summer in the year 1778 to the best of his recollection in the County of Smmersett and State of Maryland in which last named county he then resided under the following named officers Joseph Venabler Captain, Benjamin Venabler Lieutenant, Isma Baily Major, and was marched to Nanticoke River in said County of Sommersett, the object of which as the declarant understood was to prevent the enemy from passing up said River and destroying the cattle of the inhabitants on and adjacent to said river. The British and Tories as the declarant understood had a short time previous been at a town on said River called Viana and took grain there deposited and killed by cannon shot one American, this declarant then remained in actual service at least one month.

The next spring following the declarant again volunteered in the service aforesaid in the County of Sommersett was then marched to the Town of Princess Ann, the County Seat of said County of Sommersett and commanded by the above named Captain Baily, and Col George Deshield, the object of the last named service was to disperse the Tories who had at that time occasioned considerable alarm  and guard such of them as was and should be taken. The declarant then remained in actual service not less than three weeks.

The next year following the declarant again volunteered in the service as aforesaid as a Militiaman in said County of Sommersett and was then marched upon Wicommico River in said County below the town of Salsberry. The object of which was to prevent the enemy from passing up said River to said Town. He was then commanded by Major William Stewart, no other office recollected, and remained in actual service at that time not less than two weeks. Soon after some Militia were surrounded and taken by the British or Tories or both at a place called the Lower Terry on said River in said County of Sommersett, but were not retained as prisoners.

The declarant was the next year to the best of his recollection a volunteer in the Militia of said last named County and marched to the said Town of Salsberry to reell Tories that were there said to be embodied, many of whom were taken. He was then commanded by Lieutenant John Weatherly no other officer recollected, and remained in actual service at that time not less than two weeks.

The declarant further states that after the period last named he volunteered in the service aforesaid every year during the War, and some years more than once but to state how long he was in actual service each time and to what point he was marched, except that he was not marched out of said County of Sommersett in which his services were altogether required upon the aforesaid Rivers and to oppose the British and Tories, or to name the officers by whom he was commanded, is altogether impracticable, owing the laps of time since those services were rendered, the multi foresaid times the declarant volunteered and rendered services as a Militia Man, the various officers by who he was commanded, and his having kept no account or memorandum thereof, together with his loss of memory resulting from old age, the declarant can in truth say and doth say that he actually rendered service as Volunteer Militia Man in the County of Sommersett, State of Maryland in the United States Troops during the Revolutionary War, for a period of not less than six months. He further declares he has no documentory evidence of his said services nor does he now know of any person now by whom he can prove said services many part thereof.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or anuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Questions proposed by the Court and the answers to them.

1st Where and in what year were you born?

Answer: I was born in Sommersett County, State of Maryland on the 17th Feby 1755

2nd Have you any record of your age, and if so where is it?

Ans: I had a record of my age, but do not know where it is at present. My children have married and left me, and suppose some one of them has the record.

3rd Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary War, and where do you now live?

Answer: I lived in the County of Sommersett aforesaid when called in to the service and lived in said County until the year 1796 and until I moved to Bracken County Kentucky where I have lived ever since and where I now live.

4th How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitue, and if a substitute for whom?

Answer: I volunteered my service at all times when in the service and served as a private soldier.

5th State the names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops where you served, such continental and militia regiments as you can recollect, and the general circumstances of your service?

Answer: I am inable at this time to name more of the officers or more of the general circumstances of my service than already stated in the body of my declaration.

6th Did you receive a discharge from the service, and if so by whom was it give, and what has become of it?

Answer: I have no recollection of having received a discharge from the service.

7th State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood, and who can testify as to your character for varacity and their belief of your services as a Soldier of the Revolution

Answer: I am known in my present neighborhood to the Reverend Thomas P Thomas and John King who can testify to my character for varacity and to their belief of my serves as a Soldier of the Revolution

Sworn to and subscribed this day and year first aforesaid

Personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the County Court in and for the County of Bracken aforesaid Bartholomew Taylor who being sworn deposeth and saith that by reason of od age, the laps of memory and other causes as stated in the body of this his declaration, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than six months as stated in the body of his declaration, as a volunteer and private soldier and for such services I claim a pension. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year first aforesaid.

The reverand Thoms P Thomas and John King ministers of the gospel of the Baptist denomination, residing in the County of Bracken, Kentucky hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Bartholomew Taylor, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration. That we believe him to be seventy nine years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concis????

This is a transcription and I may have made a few mistakes. I didn’t correct the spelling in the declaration, so anything that is in the declaration is as exact as I could make it.

Bartholomew Taylor: The Big One

One week ago, I teased about what I found on Bartholomew Taylor when I was using Heritage Quest. I didn’t forget about it!

To tell you the significance of this find, I have to tell you a little bit about my history with Bartholomew. The picture above is of the Taylor side of the family tree I was given. The pretty excel version was for the Webb family. The Taylor family was just a big descendant report. It was actually two reports. One for John Taylor the first Taylor we know of (though not documented yet), and then branching off on Bartholomew’s line, which is where I’m descended from.

Continue reading “Bartholomew Taylor: The Big One”

Free Resources pay off!

I’ll be the first person in line to admit I don’t ever want to give up my membership. It’s so convenient for searching. I know the downfalls and dangers but I just don’t care. It’s like my fluffy pajamas, they’re my security blankets.

I think sometimes it’s easy to forget all those other great resources out there in the shadow of Ancestry though. Just waiting to be found and utilized sometimes. I’m definitely making a trip to the National Archives this summer, I’m pretty sure the local historical and genealogy societies do day trip shuttles. Why shouldn’t I take advantage! I’m also thinking about volunteering at the local historical society. I used to know some people there and I think I could be some help. Especially if there are forms to fill out, I love forms.

Yesterday I posted about my chagrin at being denied access to from my home. I’m so spoiled you see, that I felt slighted. Well, I felt slighted for about 30 seconds when I decided I was going to play with that Heritage Quest thingy. Just for fun.


Unlike other things I won’t name, this one allowed me to enter my library card number and away I went.


Where to start? Where to start? I decided to start with something I already knew, just to see how easy it would be to search things. I’ve been having a little trouble with Census searching on Ancestry the last few days, so I decided to see what it was like here.


So I picked someone from my family file that I hadn’t really researched a lot, but that I knew the basics about. Sort of. I also wanted an easy to interpret last name. After all my frustrations and weirdness of the last few days I didn’t want to mess with spelling things too.


Oh look, we have three matches! My guy is on the bottom of course, but don’t be fooled all those yahoos are in my tree.


For some reason, I thought this would just be an index. Imagine my pleasant surprise when it also showed the actual image! They don’t have all the censuses online, but boy do they have a lot and this is all FREE to me through my library card. You can bet I’m going to be utilizing this a lot more now that I’m aware it’s there.


Just wait until I show you what I found on John K Taylor’s father and my 5th Great Grandfather Bartholomew Taylor.