6 thoughts on “Even More Source Cleanups

  1. Louise Crisp Atkin says:

    I love how detailed you are. Wish I could do what you do. This old lady Needs some lessons. Would like to know if we could be related in any way. I am in Columbus OH. Where Re you?

    • Kathleen says:

      Thanks Louise, I am in Maryland but my mom grew up in New Richmond, Ohio and her sisters are spread out along southern Ohio so we still get back there occasionally.

    • Kathleen says:

      Hey Louise, I haven’t gotten a chance yet to get my stuff together from your last comments yet! I was planning to do it today, but I just had some errands pop up so it will be later this afternoon. I did get a chance to get a relationship chart (click this) that shows me and your father so you can see how we are related. I’ll also get a download link for you later that has the certificates and newspaper articles I’ve found on the Crisps. I don’t have much but it’s something!

      • Louise Atkin says:

        Thanks so much. We really appreciate you sharing. I haven’t had much patience & sister Shirley doesn’t have much extra time. We hope to get down to Sandy Hook, KY where our dad was from. I’ve been done once & got to see the Crisp Cemetery. Awesome♥. Later…

        • Kathleen says:

          Louise, I’ve created a Dropbox folder with all the files in it. You should be able to download them by clicking this link. Let me know if you have problems viewing or downloading and I will try and help!


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