We Are So Back

There is a mess, but I will clean it up!

Hey guys, so I’ve got everything back into place that I need to spruce the place up again. When I switched hosting companies before, I wasn’t completely happy with the behind the scenes functions. I’ve switched to Hostinger, and I’m loving it a lot right now. That said, there is a bunch of broken image links. What happened was the blog used to live at moore-mays.org/blog and now it just lives at moore-mays.org. That causes quite a lot of backend issues. I probably could have manually updated my backup file before uploading back to the site, but I definitely didn’t do that and that’s okay. I really wanted to take a look at things and organize other aspects as well. If you have a specific post you need up. Let me know, and I’ll move it up the priority list.

I’ve been doing a lot of new research and trying to do research reports for each line. So I am going to be updating here with all the new records and findings and adventures. Also the misadventures, because I’m very much an oops person. Mostly I really missed having this creative outlet. So I’m excited to fix the website up and bring her back to glory. I’d have to check the records, but I’m pretty sure we are over 20 years and counting for the domain name. My blog entries started in 2010. Granted, I have taken a huge break in the blog and I’m not putting myself in any kind of pressure situation. I’m just aiming to write here and if someone reads it, then awesome. I just want to get my research out to my distant and close cousins who are interested in seeing it.

Continue reading “We Are So Back”

Word of the Day: Avoidance

Definition: The action of keeping away from or not doing something

Well, that definitely describes me. Not only for today, but also for a long time when it comes to the Johnson line of my family tree. I actually need to be more specific, because I have a Johnson line on both my Mom and Dad’s side. Right now I’m talking about my Dad’s side.

The Johnson family on my paternal side.
Continue reading “Word of the Day: Avoidance”

New Views

Well, this is a little different then I imagined. If you’ve found me on the new URL before I’ve announced the change, Welcome! 

To make a long story short, things got complicated. 😂 This may be a temporary change or it might be permanent.  Either way, I’m going to work on organizing things behind the scenes for awhile here.

Identifying Locations

Last time I posted, I mentioned I’m working on identifying some slides left to me by my Grandpa Moore. I’m going to share some of my identifications today. This has been a challenge for but also very fun. The challenge being that most of these slides are from the 1960s and not all of these locations exist anymore or look even close to the same. I’ll share how I identified them as I go.

1. Ca’ d’Zan

Photo 1. Llewellyn Thorward-Moore at Ca’ d’Zan in Sarasota, Florida, 1962. Photo 2. From the Ca’ d’Zan website, photo credit to their website.

Continue reading “Identifying Locations”

Still here

Llewellyn Thorward-Moore, standing in front of flowers. Unknown location. Unknown time, but definitely a time before the internet.

Well, I’m still here, trying to get back into my genealogy research. I’m also dealing with quite a bit of internet downtime. So the frustration level is high. Then I remind myself, there are things you can do while the internet is down.

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Answering Comments: Bartholomew Taylor and Nancy Dismukes

One of the most popular posts on the blog

Two of my previous blog posts have comments from people who are wondering about my Bartholomew Taylor. They want to know if my Bartholomew is connected to the one they are researching. Their Bartholomew Taylor married a Nancy Dismukes in Georgia in 1819. 

04 Nov 2024 Edit: Apparently this post was garbled when backing up and importing to the new URL. I’ve used the Wayback Machine to restore the post the best I can.

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Not Three Years

Photo by Wallace Chuck on Pexels.com

Hello again. It hasn’t been 3 years since my last post. Just one. What a year though. It’s been a rough one. Here I am again, checking in with whoever is out there. I hope everyone is doing well.

Have you done genealogy research lately?

Yes, yes I have. I’m currently in the process of sorting through quite a few things. Mostly I’m trying to re-acquaint myself with my family tree. I want to go through and update on some past entries so I thought it would be good to have a little idea what I’m typing about when I do. I had done the Genealogy Do-Over before, which I chronicled quite a lot on the blog. Just looking back now, it seems my last do-over post was in 2017. Wowzers.

To say there have been some break-throughs since then would be an understatement. Nobody get too excited, nothing for the Mays or Taylor family yet. 😂 I think I will need many more years of preparation and learning before I’m able to break through there.

Continue reading “Not Three Years”

Hi There!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Pexels.com

Well, that was another three years gone. As anyone still reading here can tell. I have stopped updating my genealogy blog. For awhile it was because I just could not find the time to write about all my adventures. Then life hit. You know how it is. You are going along, working, living. Then a bunch of things happen all at once. Before you know it, you haven’t opened your genealogy for 2 years and you haven’t posted on your blog in even longer.

Continue reading “Hi There!”


First, sorry for my long absence. I never meant to just disappear for the 863874th time. That’s not why I’m writing now though, I’m writing to apologize if anyone who is subscribed to this blog is sent 1,293 blog posts in their feed reader or email. I don’t know how that whole subscribe thing works. Which I’m going to fix by subscribing myself, which I should have done in the first place.

To explain, I have been cleaning out my old domain names on my webhost. I’ve done a lot of behind the scenes changes over the years and zero cleaning out. Since I’ve been doing this website thing for over 15 years, that means I’ve built up some clutter. This afternoon when I hit delete on an old test blog, I actually hit delete on this blog. Luckily I had a backup of my posts that I had done just last night. Go me for the forward thinking? Anyway, I was able to import my posts right back into this spot, but I’m unsure if it sent notice to anyone. Also, all my plugins are gone, so who knows if anyone is even still subscribed? Oy vey, what did I do?

To make up for my blunder, here is a picture of some parrots sitting on Great-Grandpa William L. Moore. I mean it cheered me right up!

Not a Genealogy Cage Match: Find My Past First Impressions

Alert: This is a Long Post!
For the record, this is not my actual "first impression" of Find My Past. I have used it for British research a few times over the last few years. I have not used it on a regular basis. I have received no compensation for this post and expect no compensation. This is my honest opinion.

Being Realistic

In order to give Find My Past an honest look, I will be using mostly English ancestors to test it out. I’m going to give the American records a shot, but then I will move on to what I know they excel at… British Records!

Exhibit A: Grandma Gene (Emogene Taylor-Mays-Utter)

Continue reading “Not a Genealogy Cage Match: Find My Past First Impressions”