3 thoughts on “Opinions Welcome

  1. Claudia says:

    If you are citing the neighbors could you possibly say…..see reference of John Doe Family, Main St USA.

    I have to get busy on this myself but all I seem to be doing is reading blogs and not working on Genealogy.

  2. Kathleen says:

    Thanks for the comment Claudia! I think I’ve figured out what I’m going to do, but I need to try it out first!

    I hear you on the working on genealogy thing. I haven’t had the time to do it as much as I would have liked lately.

  3. Ben Sayer says:

    Hi, Kathleen.

    In RootsMagic, use a master source recorded at the jurisdiction level (usually county as you wrote), then use source details for each individual (or family if you’re creating a family census fact) you want to reference so that you can reference line, family, and dwelling numbers specifically.

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